Military transport
1 731 vehicles
for Ukrainian Defence the thanks to your contributions!

Serhiy Prytula
vehicle for
the Defence Forces
Gives our units an advantage in mobility and efficiency.
The ability
to destroy the enemy
on water and land
This ensures the safety of soldiers during missions, quick evacuation and change of deployment.
Types of vehicles
we purchase for the military:

Armoured tracked vehicles
130 FV armoured personnel carriers
Armoured wheeled vehicles
35 Land Rover Snatch
1 Pinzgauer
Buses, pick-up trucks, off-road vehicles
Military trucks, special vehicles
Trailers, tractors, cranes, etc.
152 units
Transport plays a crucial role in providing mobility, logistical support and combat effectiveness for military operations. It enables our military to move, regroup and respond quickly to different scenarios.
Armoured vehicles also play an important role in evacuating the wounded and providing timely medical care on the battlefield.
Fast and efficient transport can save lives, and some types of vehicles also help to rescue equipment from the battlefield and repair it on the spot.
Every day, the Foundation purchases and delivers vehicles to the military, as the need for them is constantly growing. The vehicles come under enemy fire and often break down due to harsh operating conditions. So let's not stop!
цей напрям

Serhiy Prytula