Tactical medicine

392 697 units of tactical medical equipment

delivered to the military, 23 008 soldiers trained in tactical medicine

Разовий внесок
Serhiy Prytula

Serhiy Prytula




Every contribution to the TCCC direction saves the lives of Ukrainian soldiers!

Tactical medicine

for Ukrainian defenders

The foundation's team provides military units with training in TCCC and supplies for providing urgent medical assistance.

Thousands of
lives saved

The life of every soldier is our most valuable resource in the fight against the occupier!

Areas of activity

of the foundation's TCCC team

Equipment, medications for military medics', first aid kits and supplies.

Individual first aid kits (IFAK)

for emergency medical aid on the battlefield

Tactical medicine training courses for soldiers

according to the TCCC ASM protocol

About direction

Up to 24% of battlefield deaths could be prevented with professional TCCC skills — providing medical aid to the wounded in combat conditions. Military personnel must be able to combine tactical and medical tasks, which is the second most valuable skill after learning to use their individual weapons.

Every day, our foundation's tactical medicine department delivers individual first-aid kits and components, medicines, and medical equipment to paramedics on the front line, and instructors conduct comprehensive tactical medicine training for units.

The foundation's team of instructors visits military units and provides theoretical training in accordance with the TCCC ASM protocol (MARCH algorithm) and practical training in conditions approaching combat.

During the training, scenarios are simulated involving wounded comrades (fake bloodied mannequins) and external stressful circumstances are created, including the use of pyrotechnics and blanks.

By supporting this project, you are helping the team purchase components for individual first-aid kits, medical aid for military personnel, and all the necessary materials for conducting training.

Remember, every donation counts and saves someone's life in war!

цей напрям

Разовий внесок
Serhiy Prytula

Serhiy Prytula


